
Register Freezone Company in Oman

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Company Registration in Oman Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones

In August 2020, the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones began its oversight role through Royal Decree No 105/2020. It manages the Special Economic Zone at Duqm, Al Mazunah Free Zone, Salalah Free Zone, Sohar Free Zone, and any other similar zones.

Company Registration in Sohar Freezone

Company Registration in Salalah Freezone

Company Registration in Special Economic Zone at Duqm

Company Registration in Industrial Estates (MADAYN)

Company Registration in Al Mazunah Free Zone

Company Registration in Khazaen Economic City

Oman Special Economic Zones & Free Zones Indicators

75,454 +


19 Billion OMR

Total Investment

Investment Benefits in Oman Special Economic Zones & Free Zones

Oman has modern business laws, supports free markets, is strategically located, fosters a business-friendly atmosphere, upholds contract integrity, and respects property rights.

Tax Exemption

Tax exemption up to 30 years


Foreign Ownership

100% Foreign Ownership for all the nationalities


Capital and Profit Repatriation

100% repatriation of capital and profit is allowed


Transparent Legal System

Investor-friendly legislative environment


Custom Duty Exemptions

0% import or re-export duties



Quick and Hassle Free Process

Oman offers quick and hassle free process than any other countries

Let’s Request a Schedule For Free Consultation. Contact Us Now!

3 Easy Steps To Start Your Business
in Oman Special Economic Zones & Free Zones

Our three-step process offers investors a straightforward timeline, starting from the initial application and extending through licensing and registration.

Request Submission

Register the KYC and Submit the application along with relevant supporting documents

Plot Allocation in Zones

Once the land, office, and warehouse has been allocated, an alert will be sent to the investor.

Agreement Signing

Once you let us know you're interested, we'll have you sign a MOU outlining the rights and responsibilities of the plot.

Request a Call Back

Let’s chat! Fill out the form and we’ll call you back to schedule a free consultation to explore how NextaOne can help your business thrive in Oman. We’ll connect you with a NextaOne consultant to discuss your business needs and goals.

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